Family and Family+
$1,800.00 for 1 year
Family of four: $1,800.00
Each additional member: $450.00
Benefits include:
- Two free simple teeth cleanings per year (D1110/D1120)
- Free oral cancer screening (D0431)
- Free oral hygiene instructions (D1330)
- Two free dental exams (with simple teeth cleanings) per year (D0150/D0120)
- Free x-rays for complete annual/semi-annual exams (D0210, D0330, D0274, D0272, D0220, D0230)
- Two free fluoride varnishes
- Unlimited problem-focused exams and x-rays
- A 20% discount on all dental procedures
- A $400 discount on a full orthodontic case (Six Month Smiles or Comprehensive Invisalign)
- A 25% discount on take-home or in-office whitening
- A 25% discount on bite-guards (D9940)